Disappearing Car


Here’s a little shot of my cute little car. It is a 1994 Autozam Carol – Me Lady. Autozam cars are manufactured by Suzuki, producers of fine vehicles like the Samurai, and are sold by Mazda. The Me Lady is a sub-model or option package for the Carol. It runs a 650cc “power plant”. I’m guessing the smallest production engine in America is 1.6 liters (1600cc), to give you some perspective on size here.

My Cute Little CarIn the photo, the rag top sun roof is open; you can see it gathered at the top rear. I probably should have take the shot from a higher angle to show that a little more. Although the car is small and cheap, it has: rear window defrost; fog lamps; purse hooks; power windows; and of course, the above mentioned sun roof.

The biggest problem I have had with the car is that it disappears. I park the car at work, go about my business, and return to the parking lot to find it missing. In fact, it does not disappear, but it takes such little space that as I walk far enough for about half the space to be visible, I still can’t see it. Momentarily, my tension level rises until I see it is still there.

I parked very close to the left and front to exaggerate the unused space. Unfortunately, the oversized “minivan” that had parked in front of Me Lady pulled out just before I could snap the shot. That would have been even better.

11 Responses to “Disappearing Car”

  1. Keven Says:

    Perhaps you should just put it in your backpack instead of parking it! 🙂

    That is an impressively small car. It seems to be just slightly larger than the “Smart Car” (http://www.smartcarofamerica.com/)

  2. Sam the Samurai Says:

    “Autozam cars are manufactured by Suzuki, producers of fine vehicles like the Samurai ” That’s music to my ears…however, I must point out that in describing the Samurai, you forgot: “cutest, most dependable, lovable, and exciting vehicle ever to grace the planet”. 😉

  3. びっくり Says:

    We have a lot of Smart cars running around here: the rich people drive them, I guess. I’m pretty sure the smart car is much taller than Me Lady, but might be narrow, and is almost certainly shorter in length. Perhaps I will have to hunt one down for a comparison photo. I saw a Bronco (not the Bronco II) near here, maybe I can do comparison shot with that car too.

    I was being a little tongue in cheek about the Samurai, but everyone has their own opinion. Do you still have the dashboard button?

  4. Tom Says:

    I just wanted to point out an error in Your story: You falsly refered to the metropolitan man bag holders as purse hooks.

  5. びっくり Says:

    Thanks for your correction; however, in 1994 when the car was made, weren’t Metropolitan Man Bags still just called purses? Thanks for commenting; it is always nice to know that people are reading.

  6. びっくり Says:

    Oh, forgot to mention the rear window wiper. Gave that a try the other day in a downpour.

  7. Party of Five « Neo-新びっくりブログ Says:

    […] I have long post ideas, but am too tired to work them out tonight. Sunday I drove my cute little Autozam Carol Me Lady convertible to Inazawa for my meeting. The weather was hot, but we had a nice breeze. Flying up […]

  8. Joy of Obstruction « Neo-新びっくりブログ Says:

    […] there are power poles in the roadway. In the narrowest spot, I think two kei cars (軽自動車) like mine could drive through; assuming the two drivers really, really trusted each other. Driving along this […]

  9. Escaping the Rat Trap « Neo-新びっくりブログ Says:

    […] the cars behind me? Was I given favor for noticing and slowing down? Could they not get a lock on my tiny car? Were they just concerned about tailgating? I have no idea but, as I said, I was […]

  10. Taxing Day « Neo-新びっくりブログ Says:

    […] the bill for a kind of notice because it was exactly the same as the previous form. Fortunately, my cute little car, only runs about 20 yen per day in taxes. Being late with most taxes incurs something short of […]

  11. Feverless Fever « Neo-新びっくりブログ Says:

    […] evening maybe the first step in the demise of my cute little car. My future father-in-law patiently (or, is that ‘perseveringly’) gave me an education […]

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